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September 25, 2021Understanding of Honors Degree
An “Honors Degree (Hons.)” is a variation of an undergraduate Bachelor’s degree program that requires a higher standard of study than a regular Bachelor’s degree. Typically, an Honors degree requires students to complete more coursework, research, and/or a thesis project than a regular Bachelor’s degree program.
In this program, academic achievements are usually measured by the degree class or Honors awarded. This can be based on a variety of factors, such as grades, research, and performance in exams. The degree classes can vary between universities, but they usually include First Class Honors, Second Class Honors (Upper Division), Second Class Honors (Lower Division), and Third Class Honors. First Class Honors are considered the highest level of achievement.
Earning an Honors degree can indicate to employers and graduate schools that the student has demonstrated a high level of academic ability and commitment to their field of study. It can also provide a competitive advantage in the job market and serve as a stepping stone to further academic pursuits, such as graduate studies.
Types of Honors Degrees
The grading structure for British undergraduate degrees is used in both Undergraduate Degree (UG) and Integrated Master’s Degree programs in the United Kingdom. The UG can be either an ordinary degree without Honors or a Bachelor’s with Honors.
The classification of an ‘Honors Degree’ is based on a weighted average of the marks achieved by students in their exams, including other course-related assessments.
Given below are the typical Hons. Degree classification:
First Class Honors ( 1st, 1, or I): 70% and higher
This is the highest classification that denotes higher academic development. First Class Hons. is the highest Hons degree that you can achieve. It is known by the name ‘first’. Moreover, the percentage of students achieving ‘first’ can vary depending upon the universities and the course of study.
Second Class Honors Degree:
Upper Division (2:1, 2ior II-1): 60-69%
This classification is higher than the two levels. 2:1 indicates the minimum requirement for attending postgraduate courses in the UK. The same is the requirement for research council postgraduate studentship in the UK.
Lower Division (2:2, 2ii or II-2): 50-59%
This is the lowest level of the Second Class Honors. Also, this classification is abbreviated as 2:2 or II-2. Earlier, the University of Oxford gave a Fourth Class Honors. It did not distinguish between the lower and upper second-class Honors to enhance career prospects.
Third Class Honors (3rd, 3 or III): 40-49%
The Third Class is the lowest Hons. Degree a student can achieve. It is referred to as ‘third’. However, the students who fail to achieve Honors will be awarded an ordinary degree or are considered a ‘pass’.
Integrated Master’s Degree Honors
Similarly, the Integrated Master’s Degree is classified with Honour, and given below are the classifications :
- Distinction: 70% and higher
- Merit: 60-69%
- Pass:50-59%
Aegrotat Honors Degree
This is an ordinary or Honors Degree without any classification. Students who receive Aegrotat are those who are unable to attend the exams due to some illness. In addition, the dead also receives Aegrotat with the assumption that they have completed the exams.
Honors Degree in the UK
According to the UG classification system, promotion to the next degree classes are possible only if the average marks are closer to the higher class. Also, the students must submit course-related works for assessments. Moreover, a student could not earn Honors if he or she has insufficient credits and has failed in any part of the course. The Candidates who receive Honors can add ‘Hons’ as a suffix to the designatory letters. For Example BSc (Hons), BA (Hons), BMus (Hons), and MA (Hons).
Certain universities permit students who enroll in some ‘Honors Degree’ courses to transfer to an ordinary degree. This applies only to those students who fail to gain the required credits in a year by a small margin. Furthermore, some Scottish Universities award three-year ordinary degrees as a qualification. However, the students can decide at the end of the second or third year whether to complete the fourth year of Honors or not.
Honors in Northern Ireland, Wales, and England
The duration of a Bachelor’s Degree with Honors in Northern Ireland, Wales, and England is three years of full-time study. In addition, the candidates require 360 credits to receive the Honors. On the other hand, the student should gain at least 90 credits in their final year (level 6) exams. Whereas, in Scotland, the Honors Bachelor’s Degree requires 480 credits during 4 years of course of study. Also, the student should score at least 90 credits at level 10 (final year) and 90 in the penultimate year (level 9).
Closing Thoughts
Choose the best Undergraduate degree program to enhance your career growth. Consider enrolling in Success Point College if you wish to get this degree.